Hey Ram!

Me as a cartoon character - Drawn by DeVaTe

Me -  as a cartoon character.
(From worldcartOOnists' adventures - a cartoon series by DeVaTe)

Authors of world cartoonists - drawn by DeVaTe

Thank you my dear friend DeVaTe for giving us the great work. I, really, appreciate your effort in making this group caricatures. I think the effort of you has, already, hit its goal! This group caricatures became so popular among worldcartOOnits. Congratulations! Deborah Vásquez Tejada

Me!- Drawn by Cartoonist Nikil. M. Pai

Me- drawn by Nikhil. M. Pai
Nikhil Pai, an young cartoonist from India, is a beginner in this field but, in fact, he is overtaking  the Best cartoonists with his skill and ideas!. He has won numerous awards for cartooning and paintings in National and state level.  Thank you dear young Cartoonist Nikhil for making my caricature. I like your style of simplicity. All the best!

Me! - A gift from Cartoonist Tiago silva

Me- drawn by Tiago Silva
I am gifted this caricature by Cartoonist Tiago Silva. He is an young cartoonist born in the city of São João do Ivaí, Paraná, Brazil in 1986 . He is, also, a  professional well known actor in Brazil. His cartoons have been published in the Correio do Cidadão - Campo Mourão. Thank you Mr. Tiago Silva forgiving me this wonderful gift!

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